Executive Director Job Basics
- Industry Sector
- Bike, Outdoor, WaterSports
- Job Type
- Full-Time
- Job Categories
- Public Relations, Trail Management
- Salary
- 65,0000
- Required to Relocate
- Yes
- Required to Travel
- Yes
- Employee May Telecommute
- Yes
- State
- West Virginia
- Job Seeker Must Live Within
- -
- City
- Kingwood
- Required Experience
- 3 - 5 years
Executive Director Job Description & Requirements
Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority - Executive Director RFP
Contract Period: 24 months
Amendments extending the period of performance, if any, shall be at the sole discretion of the MTNRA Board.
Consultant Eligibility
This solicitation is open to consultants or individuals that satisfy the minimum qualifications and that are available for work in West Virginia.
Position Summary
The Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority (MTNRA) is an economic development authority created by the WV Legislature in 2018 with a mission to oversee the creation, launch, and operation of the Mountaineer Trail Network (MTN) – a collection of tourism-focused trail destinations in WV for bikes and boats. MTNRA is currently authorized to operate in a 15-county region across northern WV (Barbour, Doddridge, Grant, Harrison, Lewis, Marion, Mineral, Monongalia, Preston, Randolph, Ritchie, Taylor, Tucker, Upshur, and Wood).
Per statute, the MTNRA is seeking to hire a contracted Executive Director (E.D.) to manage the day-to-day operations of the MTNRA and fulfill its mission. The E.D. reports to the Board of Directors, meeting regularly with them to ensure the mission is fulfilled through program evaluation and strategic planning.
This position is funded in full for two years by an Appalachian Regional Commission POWER Initiative grant, a Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation grant, and contributions from the representative MTNRA county commissions. Currently the MTNRA Board of Directors is securing funding from each of the participating counties to additionally fund the E.D. contract.
Through its 2021 POWER project, MTNRA and partners have secured implementation funding for three years to launch the Mountaineer Trail Network by 2024. The project also involves extensive organizational development and capacity building for MTNRA, which will be essential to successfully launching and overseeing the Network. The E.D. position comes with substantial support from project partners, MTNRA board members, and adequate funding to support all phases of development and launch. ARC project partners include the grant manager and fiscal sponsor, Friends of the Cheat, with technical support from Downstream Strategies.
MTNRA projects are complex and span several years. The E.D. will need excellent time-management and task-prioritization skills as well as the ability to handle unexpected problems and setbacks. Successful respondents to this RFP will be able to demonstrate an ability to work independently.
Proposals should outline how you can ably manage the following:
Board Governance
- The Executive Director will act under the direction and governance of the MTNRA Board.
- Communicate effectively with the Board, support the Executive Board in preparation and during Board meetings.
- Provide all information necessary for the Board to function properly and to make informed decisions.
- Work with the MTNRA Board of Directors to maintain an effective board structure and committee structure.
- The E.D. is the business manager, responsible for daily operations which include but aren’t limited to - insurance, taxes, permits, leases, etc.
- Work with MTN accountant to execute and manage insurance, accounting, tax reporting, finances, and general administrative items
- Work with the Board of Directors to plan and operate an annual budget.
- Establish and maintain relationships with various organizations to strategically enhance the MTNRA mission.
- Establish employment and administrative policies and procedures for all functions and day-to-day operations of the MTNRA.
- Procure, review, approve, and manage contracts for services.
- Responsible for hiring and retention of successful and qualified staff.
- The E.D. supervises the organization’s programs, staff, and volunteers and is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and management. This includes setting salaries, benefits, developing work plans, performing annual employee reviews, and terminating employees when needed.
Landowner Relations
- A successful E.D. will build strong relationships with landowners by creating and maintaining positive working relationships with land management agencies, municipalities, counties, organizational partners, and other landowners.
- Serve as a voice for local trail initiatives and conservation programs.
- Create a positive outlook regarding trails in the community.
Outreach & Communications
- The E.D. is the MTNRA’s public face and maintains consistent interaction with organizational partners, the public, and community leaders. This includes advocacy, as needed, at the Federal, State, and local levels and attendance at key meetings and conferences.
- Build and maintain the MTN brand identity
- Oversee external communications, including website, newsletters, blogs, local and regional news outlets, and social media channels.
- Collaborates with local trail groups/associations, land trusts, non-profits, and private landowners to facilitate the launch and growth of the MTN.
- Collaborate with economic development & tourism partners to promote and attract MTN users to increase the MTN’s economic impact.
- Collaborates with the WV Department of Tourism, Division of Highways, regional authorities, and CVB’s to maximize the return on investment of the promotion of the MTN.
- Develop, maintain, and enhance relationships with donors, government entities & agencies, businesses, and organizational partners
- Develop and coordinate targeted campaigns and events.
- Engage, guide, and support the MTNRA Board of Directors with development efforts; including strategic planning and fundraising including assistance with cultivating, engaging, and retaining funders.
- Identify new grant opportunities, capitalize on eligible grants, including writing successful proposals and administering grant awards.
- The Executive Director will eventually be expected to generate their salary through development efforts with help from the Board of Directors.
Preferred Qualifications
- Excellent organizational and communication skills, both written and verbal, are essential.
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience. Advanced degree in an applicable field is preferred.
- Integrity, positive attitude, and leadership.
- Passion for and interest in trails, outdoor recreation, and conservation.
- Experience with grant writing and knowledge of fundraising strategies.
- Ability to collaborate with and motivate Board members and other volunteers.
- Ability to interface and engage diverse volunteer and donor groups.
- Organizational abilities, including planning, delegating, program development, and task facilitation.
- Minimum 3 or more years’ experience working in the non-profit sector and managing boards. Applicants who have comparable experience in the for-profit sector and/or come from entrepreneurial backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
- Strong marketing, public relations, and communications experience with the ability to engage a wide range of stakeholders and cultures.
- Experience with trail organizations, outdoor recreation, and tourism sector business/industry.
- Experience and knowledge of trails, trail constructions, and trail maintenance.
- Knowledgeable about the trail systems and navigable rivers and streams that encompass the MTN footprint. Ability to ride and paddle the trail infrastructure of the region is desirable.
- Residency within the MTNRA footprint or a willingness to relocate.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Acrobat Professional, Quickbooks, and WordPress. Experience with mapping software/applications. Knowledge of Consumer Relationship Manager Software and Adobe Creative Suite applications helpful.
Term & Requirements
- 24 month year contract position (full-time equivalent).
- Travel across the MTN region will be required. Board approved travel will be reimbursed at an agreed upon mileage rate.
- Must be able to work evenings and weekends.
Contract Price & Tentative Payment Schedule
Contract price is negotiable based on qualifications and experience with an anticipated annual contract starting at $65,000.
Upon selection and initiation of scope of work, payment will be provided monthly from the Mountaineer Trail Network upon receipt of invoice/receipts from the Executive Director.
Proposals should include:
- Cover Letter
- Description of Previous Experience and Samples of Work
- Budget Including Hourly Rate
- Client and/or Professional References
Awarding of Contract
This is an FLSA Contract status position. Contractors are responsible for their own taxes, insurances, and benefits. The Mountaineer Trail Network Board is not bound to accept the lowest proposal and is not obliged to give a reason for rejecting a proposal.
The Mountaineer Trail Network Board reserves the right at all points in the procurement process either not to select a candidate to go forward to the next stage, or following completion of the procurement process, not to make any award of contract. The Mountaineer Trail Network Board has prepared this RFP in good faith.
About Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority
The Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority (MTNRA) is an economic development authority created by the WV Legislature in 2018 with a mission to oversee the creation, launch, and operation of the Mountaineer Trail Network (MTN) – a collection of tourism-focused trail destinations in WV for bikes and boats. MTNRA is currently authorized to operate in a 15-county region across northern WV (Barbour, Doddridge, Grant, Harrison, Lewis, Marion, Mineral, Monongalia, Preston, Randolph, Ritchie, Taylor, Tucker, Upshur, and Wood).
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