The Ember Alliance

The Ember Alliance

Loveland, CO, United States

The Ember Alliance on Social Media

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Company Description

The Ember Alliance is a national organization of wildland fire practitioners, researchers, analysts, and instructors dedicated to increasing the pace and scale of prescribed fire. The Ember Alliance is dedicated to supporting fire as a natural process in fire-adapted ecosystems on a landscape scale to improve ecosystem function and health and increase wildfire resilience.??

The Ember Alliance provides an open, transparent, and just organization and workplace. We strive for clear, open, and kind communication and are committed to centering, recruiting, hiring, mentoring, and supporting fire practitioners from traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities. We are dedicated to building a better way to do fire management, that recognizes the inherent value of our employees, that supports work / life balance, and provides an environment that supports growth.??

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