

House No 3, Cross 3,lane 2,Jwagal, kupondole , Lalitpur, Patan, 44700, Nepal

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Company Description
Journey DMC is an Destination Management Company started since 1998 in the heart of the Himalayas . We have been operating trips in Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet and India. We have delved into all areas of tourism and travel management in the country. Being enthusiastic and dedicated travel professionals, we are able to assist with planning various holidays offering invaluable advice depending on the time of the year, time available with the clients and their budget. All our team members are being from local community and have dedicated several years in the tourism industries we have an intimate knowledge of the region and have best connection (personal as well as business) with all tourism industries in the country. We are capable of offering any services you require for your clients from arrival until final departure in Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet and India. Our main strength is quality man power,
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