Camp Nebagamon

Camp Nebagamon
11454 Camp Nebagamon Dr., Lake Nebagamon, WI, 54849, United States
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Camp Nebagamon for Boys is an independently owned and operated summer camp located in northwestern Wisconsin. We enroll 240 boys, grades three through nine, for four- or eight-week sessions each summer. Campers come from approximately 40 communities in 25 states and several foreign countries. Camp's program stresses individual growth and development, and emphasizes skills that children can learn as boys and enjoy well into their adult life. Our staff of approximately 120 men and women provide a wide range of program opportunities including land and water sports, boating, creative skills, target sports and outdoor living skills, as well as all the support services of a self-contained community. Camp Nebagamon also offers an extensive wilderness tripping program, providing campers hiking, bicycling and canoeing trips in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Canada.