
5 Reasons Why Job Posting REELS Are Worth It!

If you are one of those people who think that social media cannot be used for anything fruitful, I would suggest you rethink your choices. Social media is not just for posting pictures and fishing for compliments, it can be way more than that. We will see how social media can be a great tool for businesses especially to target the majority of the market that consists of the young generation which is rather the digital generation of our time! With the advent of social media, everything can be done through it because of the reach we can get if we use different platforms to promote our businesses.  Social Media For The Promotion Of Businesses  Many organizations have already started making accounts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and even TikTok these days. These platforms offer choices to post from pictures to videos and small clips to live sessions.  There are so many fun ways to use this variety of options on any of the platforms you may want to use to target your desired demographics.  Social Media For Job Postings  Considering most businesses prefer to post their job postings on social media platforms to gain reach and impressions, it is already a given that social media is a helpful tool in helping organizations connect with raw talent right in their element. Let's see how job postings on social media can make an impact on a large scale, just like you would want it to!  Are Job Posting Reels Taking Over LinkedIn? If we talk about Instagram, we will see how job posting REELS can be worth it! You can promote your business and find talent for acquisition by using reels. Do you know that means to kill two birds with one stone?  To see how reels can be absolutely worth it, continue reading and be prepared to be amazed at the number of ways you can use reels to make your job postings stand out and go viral! Of course, nobody would want to miss out on the chance to create content that captures their target audience and meets the desired goals for success! Why Job Posting Reels Are Worth It! If you ask us, and as you have, we will tell you the top 5 reasons why Instagram Reels are totally worth it! Increased Reach Variety of Content  Easy to find Keeping up with what's in One Reel; Two platforms  Let's explore in great detail why reel posting for job ads is so worth it! Increased Reach You can now create reels to reach a wider audience as reels show on explore pages on Instagram even if the users are not following your account.  You can use ad boosters too to make sure your job posting reels are reading the targeted audience. With an increase in reach, it is impossible not to miss out on the talent out there, waiting for opportunities as attractive as they can get. With the feature of reaching a wider audience, you are not only posting your job ads for job seekers but also promoting your organization in the best light possible. Variety Of Content  If you are thinking why use Instagram reels, ask anyone from genZ how Instagram offers different creative ways to create content. Since these people are your target audience, you can connect with them on a higher level if you communicate with them in the way they prefer. With the variety of options, you can add music to the reels, filters, emoticons, stickers, ask-me-anything posts, and whatnot!  You can create engaging content just like that with minimal effort and yield maximum results. Easy To find Reel posting is the new thing cool kids do! With catchy and relevant hashtags for the reels, you can help the audience find you since this is one of the ways to make something trending. Although thinking of specific and relevant hashtags might sound difficult, if you are successful in generating hashtags that people are looking for, you are already in the cool kids' club! Keeping Up With What's In Using Instagram reels is a way to show that you are up-to-date with the current trends. Since your target audience is young talent, it's important to show them how you're an organization that cares about their likes and dislikes. If you think about it, making job posting reels is totally worth it if you are looking to create a loyal fan/employee base!  One Reel; Multipal Platforms  With this number of advantages, do you still wonder 'Are reels worth it?' There are several benefits of reels on Facebook as well. When it comes to promoting your business and increasing your reach, make sure to leave no stone unturned. If you worry that your target audience is not on Instagram, use Facebook to reach them. Now you can do so with just one click. Simply create and post a reel on Instagram and choose the option also post on Facebook and see the magic that Zuckerburg has brought to that boring old-school Facebook!  Make Your Job Posting Reels Stand Out - Bonus Additive! Since you came this far and learned the importance and usefulness of Instagram Reels in job postings, stick around a little longer. Now's actually the fun part where we will also tell you how exactly to make those fun interactive reels that we told you are good for your job postings and promotion of business! These are our top picks; some ways you can make engaging job posting reels to surprise your boss! What's the company like - Culture  BTS! Day-in-the-Life Reels Why people should work at your organization  Tips to ace the job interview What increases candidates' employability  Talk to the employees - Candid Views Team Recreational Activities  What does the office look like Why you are the best! There are many ways to create interactive job posting reels to show how ready you are to be as candid as it can get.  What's The Company Like - Culture  One idea to make fun job posting reels can be to display the culture of the company. It always intrigues job seekers to know about the work environment to visualize how they will fit in the culture. It adds more value to your image as an organization if your work environment promotes inclusion and diversity to create a harmonious workplace for all employees.  BTS! Who does not like a raw BTS video? Show your job seekers what you do behind the scenes as a highly successful organization. It is extremely likely that job posting reels that show the real face of the organization are more appreciated and encouraged by job seekers. So if you want to be sure that Instagram job posting reels are worth it, you must try this reel posting idea at once!  Day-In-The-Life Reels You must have seen these somewhere on Instagram where employees of an organization share on reels their day’s routine as to what is it like working at their organization.  Don’t they seem fun? So why not try this for your job posting reels too? Show your target audience how much fun your teams have at their workplace to develop the audience’s interest in applying for a job to work in such an organization where employees don’t work all day but have fun too! Hence, show some snippets of a normal day at work, team meetings, presentations, team brainstorming sessions, lunch breaks, and whatnot!  Why People Should Work In Your Organization  Your job posting reels on Instagram can be totally worth it when you mention the benefits of working at your organization. Do you have extraordinary employee benefits? Share them. Is there a game room where employees can chill during lunch hours? Show that too. Is the pay range market competitive? (not that it shouldn’t be); Show that off too! You can list down all the things that will help job seekers see why your organization is the best fit for them.   Tips To Ace The Job Interview Do you really care about job seekers applying for a vacancy at your organization? Show them by telling them how they can ace the interview to secure the job 100%! In such job posting reels tell them what recruiters at your organization are looking for. Help them prepare for the interview and see the highly talented pool of job seekers apply at your organization and get hired.  What Increases Candidates' Employability  Make reels that show job seekers the qualities that ensure success and employability. Even if they do not apply at your organization, it is still good to create brand loyalty by helping them become better professionals aiming for success. Reel posting can be really worth it if you make some effort and wait for the results. Talk To The Employees - Candid Views Your job posting reels can also serve as employee recommendations and give job seekers an insight into the working environment at the organization. Candid views from employees can be really intriguing when they share the real deal behind working at your organization.  Team Recreational Activities  You can also make job posting reels that show job seekers what your organization does to help their employees unwind after a long day of work. When job seekers see employees having fun with their team members at work, it creates a soft image of your organization, and what could be better than that? This is why reels are important for your business to promote an image that everyone appreciates.  What Does The Office Look Like Showing the world what a space you provide for the employees to work is not a very bad idea, is it? It humanizes the entire interaction when job seekers are able to see themselves working in that environment. Such job posting reels make people want to explore more about the organization they can feel so close to! Why You Are The Best! This tip is equally important as the other ones, and might even be better than them. In these job posting reels you can show job seekers why your organization is one of the leading businesses in the market. You can share the organization’s success story, innovations, services, solutions, and offers that you are bringing to the market.   Looking at all these ways in which you can promote your organization and its work culture to attract new talent, we can say with confidence that job posting reels are important for business! Why Jobs Posting Reels Are So Worth It! As we have seen the 5 reasons why job posting reels are worth it and many ways in which you can also utilize reel posting for the benefit of your organization, there is nothing stopping you from creating content that attracts the top talent for your organization now. So, next time you think ‘Are reels worth it?’ You will have your answer ready for you! Now, without wasting a moment, post your jobs with Keeping it Outside Jobs. We’ll create your job posting reel for FREE! Your reel will go viral and garner views from your target audience! 

What are Red Flags in a Job Posting - Top 10 Red Flags

What are Red Flags in a Job Posting - Top 10 Red Flags If we think about it, a job posting is not just filling a pre-made template and putting it on different social media platforms to see applications coming in just like that. It is a process far more complicated than a basic typing task your boss assigns you once in a while!  Job postings are carefully crafted pieces of information that are our only lead out there to find talent that is capable of fulfilling the required tasks that a job has. But, just like those exes of yours, there could be red flags in job postings too! And nobody would want that to happen in another major part of their lives now, would they? If we talk about things that should always be a part of job postings, we also need to see what are red flags in a job posting. Without that, we will not have any way to find out why some or many of our job postings do not get the expected or desired response, a response that we anticipated to get when we created those job postings.  So it is crucial to discuss what red flags in job ads are to be able to create flawless job postings that will certainly not go unnoticed. This article will also serve as a guide for job seekers to learn what to avoid when they are out in the job market.  Sit tight and keep reading if you want to learn a lesson about creating good job postings (the easy way though)! The following are the things that make your organization appear suspicious in the eyes of job seekers and create a bad rep in the job market. 1.Undefined Job Title  A job title that sounds sketchy, quite odd, or something that you do not often see being used to define jobs in your field, then there is a possibility that it is a job red flag and may not honestly describe the scope of the job and responsibilities. 2. Ambiguous Job Description  If the job posting does not mention the roles and responsibilities of the job, then it’s a job red flag. The job description is one of the major components of any job posting and its purpose is to inform the job seekers of the kind of things they will be required to do so they know if they possess the skills before applying.  If a job posting lacks a solid and objective description of the duties then it is targeting anyone and everyone who needs a job which is not a sign of an organization with professional practices and policies in place. 3. Less to No Company Presence In this digital age, every organization and business is on social media and has its own official websites that are updated regularly. If the said organization cannot be found anywhere online or even a detail of their physical offices on Google is missing, that is a major job red flag and shows that the organization might not even exist in the first place! Un-updated websites and social media handles are again a sign that the organization is no longer in business or has some other shady business going on that they cannot display online. 4. Lacks Organization’s Name  We see many social media job postings on different job groups where the post does not even have a company name. It may go like ‘a reputable organization…’ which makes one wonder how much repute are we talking about here! This is a no-brainer, straight-up red flag if an organization fails to put its name on the job posting. Secretive much? 5. No Mention of the Pay Range As per the law, organizations cannot post any job posting without a mention of the expected pay range. If an organization is still doing it, then it may be a red flag showing that they may have other incidents of malpractice as well and you might want to steer clear of such a shady job if you do not want to end up in a pickle! So your question ‘What are red flags in a job posting?’ is probably answered by now. 6. Incredible/Unrealistic Pay Range Trust your gut. If things seem too good to be true, they are! A smart job seeker with enough research knows the market rate for a post in their respective field. So, if a job posting claims to pay you way more than the expected pay range for the advertised role, there might be something fishy! Either there’s a catch to it and they have some hidden responsibilities for the job more than the job description, or shady practices on their part. It is a major job red flag and you must do your research before applying for such jobs.7. Exhaustive List of Responsibilities  A job posting with a seemingly never-ending list of responsibilities that fall out of the job’s scope may also be a red flag. An employee does not have to do anything other than the job description that is designed realistically keeping the skillset required and qualification in mind. So, knowing the responsibilities of a role in your respective fields, you need to learn if the advertised job posting is asking for too much! 8. Exaggerated & Incorrect Use of Language  If a job posting makes use of exaggerated and boastful language to show that the organization is the best and unmatchable, all without a testimonial or other proof, then it might not be anything more than puffery.  Similarly, another job red flag is when a job posting has grammatical or spelling errors, it means they must have been prepared by someone who is not very professional, putting the organization's reputation at risk too!9. Frequent Job Postings   If you keep seeing job postings by an organization for the same or multiple vacancies all the time, it might be possible that their turnover rate is quite high. This is indeed a major job red flag when an organization fails to retain employees due to a toxic work environment or unprofessional practices.10. Unprofessional Contact Details We often see job postings where a personal or sketchy email address is given for the job seekers to apply for the job. Such job postings may not be official or the poster might be trying to collect your data with false job postings.  Although we promised the top 10 job red flags, we have added 5 red flags as a bonus tip for the job seekers especially the fresh graduates who have just entered or will soon enter the job market.  11. Too Much or Little Information If the job posting states lists and lists of information about the job role and responsibilities then it might be possible that they are expecting too much of you or are trying you throw you off with a bombardment of irrelevant information. As anything in excess is not good, you know what too much of information is! Too little of anything is also not a very good idea! If a job posting fails to completely describe the role, responsibilities, benefits, and application procedure, then it is also a job red flag. 12. A ‘Nominal’ Registration/Training Fee The job posting may claim to only charge a ‘nominal’ fee for you to get registered and start earning with them. Or they can ask you to buy some equipment to start your work, possibly, remotely. Such a job posting is a red flag in itself because no authentic organization will ever charge you to give you a job! Another job red flag will be when they require a fee for your training, in the job posting, or at any point during the hiring process. Never forget that organizations do not ask for any payment if they are training you to ‘make’ you suitable enough to be hired. If your skills are not what they need, they should simply find someone else with the required skill set! 13. Unusually Persuasive  If a job posting sounds like they need you to apply at gunpoint, and they seem unnaturally pushy, they might be pointing toward something fishy in the organization. If you are still wondering ‘What are red flags in a job posting?’ This is definitely one of them! 14. More Like Advertisements  If a job posting sounds more like an advertisement, with lots of catchy phrases, casual language, unprofessional writing style, tons of exclamation marks, and all caps, then they are truly advertisements and move away from being job postings that should exude an organization’s professionalism.  They are making use of tactics advertisers use to attract customers for mindless buying, which is a major job red flag that compels people to take action without thinking twice.  15. Job Postings via Email Have you ever received a job posting via email and have no recollection of applying for such a mailing list? These are cold emails and are most probably scams especially if you cannot find the job posting on the organization’s official website and social media handles.    So this is our attempt to answer a FAQ: ‘What are red flags in a job posting?’ For recruiters, this should serve as a comprehensive guide to help them create positive and impactful job postings. For job seekers, we hope that you learn the dos and don’ts of the job market and not fall into a trap leading to something serious. Here’s one bonus tip before we sign out, that is to always do enough research on the organization and thoroughly scan their official website to find any employee testimonials that would give you an insight into the work culture and other important things to confirm the authenticity of the job posting. That’s it for the top 10+5 red flags in job postings that all recruiters should avoid at every cost and job seekers should bear in mind before applying to an organization!     

5 Interview Questions that Your Candidates Want You To Know in 2023

People who think working in HR is a walk in the park might need to learn that the park under discussion is actually Jurassic Park! Now it does not mean that they are interviewing dinosaurs for different roles in their organizations, it simply means the entire experience can be really difficult especially if the recruiters are not prepared for the interview! What could be so difficult about interviewing some people and giving them a job, you may ask. What is a problem is WHO to give a job. Recruiters meet from tens to hundreds of candidates for one vacancy and the number of applicants can go up or down depending on the applicants that are applying.  Oftentimes the applicants who are shortlisted for the interview are suitable but then during the interview, the recruiters do not find them to be convincing. A problem can occur on both sides where the interviewees are not giving the right answers or maybe the interviewers are not asking the right questions to begin with! What can be done to ensure that the candidates are given enough opportunities to demonstrate their interest during the interview? We can start by discussing the things that are now outdated and eliminate them from the hiring process. For example, the employees earlier were only considered dedicated and hardworking if they did overtime which is not the case anymore. So such kinds of questions can be easily avoided that candidates cannot seem to relate to in 2023.  Since the questions that interviewers ask these days can be outdated and insufficient for the candidates to demonstrate their interest fully, it is imperative to revolutionize the entire interviewing process to claim relatability with the applicants in today’s fast and competitive world. Because you know if you fail to secure a contract with suitable candidates, your time, effort, and money that are being spent on the hiring process can become worrisome for prolonged periods of time. Organizations cannot keep open the hiring process all year for a post to be filled. To become relevant, welcoming, and inclusive, you need to ask questions that employees want you to ask them! This may sound odd to be favoring the candidates this much as you are not the one who needs a job, candidates are. But, if we look at it from a perspective of mutual benefits, it becomes clearer that to get them to work for you, you also need to offer them something! So while asking them what they can do for the organization, you also need to tell them what's in it for them. The first rule of dealing with any number of people is to center the discussion around them: WIIFT- What's in it for them! After all, it's give and take! There are 5 interview questions that your candidates want you to know in 2023. If you ask them these or at least some of these questions, it becomes easier for them to show how they can be better suited for your organization. And what's better than that? Instead of deciding who's better, you are told who is, doing half of your job already! How are your skills relevant to the role you've applied for? How would you describe yourself as an employee?  What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? Would you call adaptability one of your strengths? How well do you work in a team? These will be the top 5 interview questions that your candidates want you to know in 2023! We'll now see how answers to these questions can be your best indicators to shortlist the best candidates for further processing. Of course, anyone would want to read an email that starts with "We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the position!" And for this, they'll make sure to put their best foot forward. Their answers will be even more well-formed and detailed if you tell them in your job posting what's in it for them! When they know what's at stake, they'll make sure to prepare responses that align with what you're looking for. How are your skills relevant to the role you've applied for? Your candidates will discuss the things they have learned during their professional education. They will mention the skills and their application for those skills in different jobs/ internships that they did. This discussion will give you an insight into their skills, knowledge, and experience for their next role. In order for them to create relevance between the experience and the role they've applied for, they need to have done thorough research on what your organization is working on and what are the mission and vision of the organization. Only a coherent answer to this question will make them suitable for the role because it's imperative to know what the organization needs if they want to work in the said role.  How would you describe yourself as an employee? There is another variation of this question which is: What qualities make you a good candidate? Asking candidates such a question is about giving them a chance to identify how they can be a useful asset for your organization. After all, they need to know what you're looking for. Considering this is a relationship with mutual benefits, you both need to show the best version of yourself. The candidates will find out what you need and then see if they fit the criteria and you will see how you can compensate them for their services for the organization!  Once you ask someone "What qualities make you a good candidate?" You must be ready to hear all kinds of answers. Some candidates may come off as overconfident while some may underestimate themselves. All you have to do is to find the right balance of both, someone who is not full of themselves and isn't really putting themselves down all the time either.  Your candidates want you to know that they need a listener who isn't judging them only for how they speak, but someone who sees the person capable of doing what the job requires them to do.  What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? Answering this question can be a nightmare for people because most of the time they don’t even know themselves! What will help your candidates is your understanding of the fact that they are not going to be supernatural beings capable of doing anything and everything. Their answer to this question should simply give you an idea of how they are as humans. And since humans are flawed, their admittance of the fact that they can make mistakes but are willing to learn and change should be more than enough to be a good answer to such a question. The answers to this question will give you, a recruiter, an insight on how you can utilize this talent for the organization and how you can train them, if needed, for upskilling them, making them suitable enough, or not.    Would you call adaptability one of your strengths? The candidates want you to know that their skills and abilities are not limited and fixed. If their strength involves adaptability, then they are your people! You will find them easily managing work when things don’t work out perfectly. You can rely on them as such people are dependable and can handle pressure easily. In today’s world changing with the trends is imperative otherwise there is a chance of becoming irrelevant. So, this is also one of the 5 interview questions that your candidates want you to know in 2023.  How well do you work in a team? Last but one of the most important questions that your candidates want you to know is their ability to work in teams. Public dealing and public speaking are skills that are never not needed. So ask your candidates about them and you will find the ones good for you! You can find out about these things by asking the same question in different ways, which will also help you see them as leaders and managers. With just a few variations of the same question, you will be able to narrow down your search for a team lead, an assistant, and a junior assistant.  Hence, asking such relevant questions is the key to finding candidates who are willing to work for your organization with honesty and dedication. So, try not to limit their chances by asking them questions where they cannot express themselves fully.  These were the 5 interview questions your candidates want you to know in 2023. Remember what happened to Nokia? Aim to be like Apple and you’ll see what we are talking about. So for recruiters, one thing that is most important is to identify the current trends and see how talent can work with you in order to make your organization relevant to the world!

Why Upskilling Is Key for the Future Works of Employees and Their Companies?

Do you ever wonder why employers encourage employees to learn new things every day? Does it sound like a burden to you or are you one of those employees who happily agree to sit for hours in boring workshops?  Some question 'Is upskilling really the key to success? Or is it just a way to keep employees occupied so they do not spend their time in activities not directly beneficial to the organization?' To talk about whether upskilling is actually beneficial or not, we need to establish what upskilling actually is. The scope of this article is to discuss how upskilling is a win for both employees and their companies. After establishing how upskilling is important, we will see why it is important as well.  What is Upskilling? To begin, upskilling is when someone makes a conscious effort to enhance the skills they already possess in order to become relevant and more successful in their respective fields. Upskilling is important for employees to grow further in their careers in terms of knowledge, expertise, and skills, and gain more chances of promotions, benefits, better job opportunities, and connections within the industries. How are new Skills Acquired? Many employers spend a significant amount of time and effort in training their employees so they can advance in their careers. Upskilling can be done in several ways and forms. Additionally, it does not necessarily have to come from the employer, as employees can take this initiative independently for their professional and personal growth. Many employers organize frequent workshops, seminars, conferences, and field trips to promote learning and application of specific skills required for specific job roles to be executed well.  Employees can also take charge of their learning independently and can enroll themselves in online courses, self-paced courses, and synchronous or asynchronous learning programs.  Participating in any kind of training program whether as an individual or an employee to enhance one's skills is always a good idea because it usually does not cost much but is a great way of moving beyond the limits that their fields often restrict them to for different reasons. Although it is fairly safe to say that upskilling is a win for both employees and their companies. But we need to see how and why. Advantages of Upskilling- For Employees  Here are the reasons why upskilling is the key to success for employees.   Opportunities for Growth Employment Stability Better Pay Packages  Better Connections  Knowledge of Industry Trends  Increased Knowledge and Skills - Productivity Edge over Other Candidates  Heightened Sense of Self  Ability to Handle Challenges  Skills to Critically Approach and Solve Problems  We will discuss in great detail how upskilling can be advantageous for employees for their personal and professional growth. Opportunities for Growth Upskilling is the key to success in a way that any employee with a skillset advanced and better than others is given preference when there are opportunities for promotions. Such growth and promotions lead to increased motivation and job satisfaction. Employees like it when they are appreciated and rewarded for their outstanding performance.   Employment Stability  As a result of upskilling, employees are able to strengthen themselves in the organizations and feel secure as they are needed for their exceptional talent and skills. Such job security is only possible when employees make meaningful contributions toward the organizational goals. Hence upskilling is a key to success only when you keep enhancing yourself to fit the ever-changing needs of the organizations Better Pay Packages  Who does not want to get paid well? Since upskilling adds to the experience of employees, their contribution becomes worth more for the added value as a result of productivity that is unmatchable. With upskilling you are doing the same job budget paid more for your expertise in the area! Better Connections  When you become a part of different training programs, workshops, and conferences, you meet a diverse range of people from all walks of life. This helps you form connections within and even outside your industry that are certainly not achievable when you choose not to upskill yourself. Connections in the industry lead to better prospects in the future and it is always suggested to form as many connections as possible. Knowing people also encourages learning from other people's experiences and expertise. Which is again an extension of your enhancement of skills.  Knowledge of Industry Trends  If you are still wondering whether upskilling is important? We will say yes! Because the attempts at upskilling give a person knowledge of the trends in the industry. Having knowledge of which enhances the productivity and performance of tasks that they are responsible for completing. Such talented employees also serve as the bridge between the organization and the industry and help the organization stay relevant.  Increased Knowledge and Skills - Productivity Since you are learning new things and applying them while keeping in view the current trends, it automatically makes you more productive as you are achieving the desired results efficiently and effectively. Upskilling is the key to success especially because it doubles the employees’ productivity.  Edge over Other Candidates  An employee who takes upskilling seriously when appearing for other job interviews with a resume that lists down all the skills they have learned and applied in the past automatically holds an edge over other candidates. If you still wonder 'Is upskilling the key to success?' then know that getting preference in a job hiring process only because your skills are advanced with respect to the growing and changing needs of your specific field is the definition of success to many! Heightened Sense of Self  Employees who constantly see themselves as learners on a quest for knowledge and skills are humble and appreciative of the fact that anything can be made better with a little effort. This is why upskilling is important for employees not only for their professional but personal growth as well. To be able to learn you need to identify what you do not know. Philosophical as it may sound, it is true that willingness to learn more makes a person self-aware and helps them work on their flaws and weaknesses for better results in their personal and professional lives.  Ability to Handle Challenges  Employees who are attuned to working in different environments owing to their continuous training in different forms are more capable of dealing with challenges as compared to employees who do not prefer upskilling for their growth. Since they have experience of being in different situations with different people, they can deal with the challenges easily and more effectively.  This is also how upskilling is a win for both employees and their companies. Skills to Critically Approach and Solve Problems  As a result of vast exposure and experience, employees with a high level of skills and efficiency can be active critical thinkers and problem solvers. This is one of the major reasons why we think upskilling is important for employees because they can take initiative and solve problems that may create hindrances in the way of their organizational goals.  This is how upskilling is a win for both employees and their companies as employees become highly successful and talented leading to their employers' success as well.  Advantages of Upskilling- For Employers If you are wondering what organizations get from upskilling their employees; not only do the employees benefit from upskilling, but employers also get a great deal of advantages when their organizations get teams of highly talented and result-driven employees.  These are the ways in which upskilling is the key to success for employers/organizations: Highly Productive Employees Innovative Teams  Edge over Competitors Teams ready to Take on Challenges Reduced Turnover Intention Cost Effectiveness Harmonious Workplace Culture  Result-Driven Force Workforce Continuity Planning - Leaders in Making Adherence to Policies How upskilling can be a win for the employees and their companies is now being discussed with companies in focus.  Highly Productive Employees Organizations that promote upskilling get in turn employees who are highly productive and can get the specialized tasks done with ease and efficiency.  Innovative Teams  Employees when upskill become capable of innovations and coming up with unique ideas. Employers are most benefited when their employees collectively come up with ideas that help the organization stand apart from others in the market.  Edge over Competitors Having teams of highly talented and productive employees ensures that their organization has a competitive advantage in the industry which increases the overall production of the organization yielding better results in position and finances-wise. This is a major reason why upskilling is a win for employees and their companies.  Teams ready to Take on Challenges Upskilled employees are better at handling challenges as we have already established. This benefits organizations in a way that they can immediately create a task force of their top performers whenever the organization is facing a challenge so the evil is nipped in the bum before it causes serious damage.  Reduced Turnover Intention Considering employees are always on the lookout for better opportunities for growth, if they are getting that in their respective organizations, then there is no need for them to switch jobs. Employers that promote upskilling observe a significant decrease in employee turnover intention. Cost Effectiveness When turnover intentions are lowered, employers can stop worrying about hunting and acquiring more talent. This significantly lowers the cost of continuous hiring processes helping the employer channel the same resources and finances into other areas such as employee development.  Harmonious Workplace Culture  When employers offer equal chances and opportunities for learning, enhancement of skills, and growth, employees stop competing with each other and focus on their own growth which creates a good working environment for all.  Result-Driven Force Teams of highly productive employees aim at achieving results and are goal-driven since they know that's where success lies. Upskilling for employers is especially important because it ensures that the organizational goals are being met.  Workforce Continuity Planning - Leaders in the Making When employers offer opportunities for upskilling, they are also making sure that the organization is in good hands as leadership and management skills are also what employees learn while upskilling for their career paths. This allows the employers to find out if any employees are capable of leading the organization when needed.   Adherence to Policies As in this fast-paced world, market trends are continuously changing and evolving, it is important that employees are capable of adapting to the needs of the organization. Upskilling employees helps employers to promote adherence to policies that are ever-changing.  This is why and how upskilling is a win for both employees and their companies because it is a give-and-take relationship. Employers help employees learn skills, foster growth, and create flexibility to improve themselves as professionals. While employees in return bring capital, diversity, success, and innovation leading to their organizations becoming leading forces in their respective fields.  What's important now is if you are going to make a conscious effort to make the most of these learning opportunities given to you by your employers. If not, then you must be ready to take the initiative as it will only help you grow in the industry and see the heights of success that you have been dreaming of! Achieving that dream is not that difficult anymore as upskilling is your way forward!   

7 Reasons Why Employees Leave

Have you ever been in a position where you were questioned why so many employees have been leaving your organization? Or as a general knowledge question as to why employees might quit their jobs? Today we will try to find an answer rather quickly (that sure took us a while to compile though!) A list to begin with: Opportunities of Growth  External Opportunities  Poor Work-Life Balance  Colleagues/Peers Organizational Culture  Role Ambiguity  Compensation According to several research studies conducted in different sectors in the US including (the internet, healthcare, and HR), these are the top 7 reasons why employees leave their jobs. Job satisfaction is something that any employee would need the most in their careers and many factors lead to increases and decreases in job satisfaction. Research has found direct and indirect relationships between the factors mentioned above and job satisfaction in different sectors.   So if we talk about why employees might quit, we need to understand the possible reasons from all perspectives without being biased as a recruiter, talent acquisitions, or hiring manager. It is quite possible that there is simply an attitude problem or lack of intrinsic motivation leading to job quitting, but we cannot deny the gravity of genuine reasons either.                                                                    Opportunities of Growth Imagine yourself working at a post and continuing to work there even after years until you retire! Does that sound like an achievement? Not really! Staying in one place in this fast-paced world is not the ideal thing to do as it will make you redundant and irrelevant. If you want to ensure employee satisfaction then creating opportunities for promotions and growth at regular intervals is crucial. Being able to do meaningful things that help their organization grow creates a sense of accomplishment, pride, and ownership in employees and this in turn increases their satisfaction with the job. On the other hand, if an employee is constantly doing the same thing without any chance of ever assuming a bigger and better role, this creates a sense of failure and dissatisfaction with their role at work and they may feel unimportant which becomes one of the reasons why employees might quit.  Tips to Minimize Turnover Intention So, if you want to retain your good and hardworking employees, give them opportunities where they can make meaningful contributions to achieve organizational goals helping them to feel satisfied with their work. You can see wonders happening for the growth of your organization when the employees are motivated. External Opportunities  Guess what! If you cannot pay your employees enough or provide for them chances of equal and steady growth, someone else out there might! Employees when dissatisfied with their jobs for any reason are constantly on the lookout for newer and better opportunities that increase turnover intentions of the employees working in the organizations. Any other employer paying better pay range, benefits, recreational opportunities, and/or a better working environment can scoop up your employees just like that. Better opportunities are why employees leave organizations! So, if you want to save money on hiring and training new people, you may as well spend some on retaining the ones you have got! What will ensure organizational loyalty? Your acts of encouragement to begin with; and your acknowledgment of their hard work and efforts to meet the organizational goals! You can introduce monthly or yearly bonuses for best performers, or easy loans for those in need, even small events at regular intervals to help employees unwind and enjoy their time will let them know that you care! Poor Work-Life Balance  Imagine going home from work and opening your laptop to finish working on the day’s tasks! Does this look like a picture of yourself you would want to see? If not, then you shouldn’t want to see your employees like that either. How is it fair that your employees work for you day and night while you enjoy your ‘work-life balance’?  Lack of work-life balance is one of the 7 major reasons why employees leave and as cliched as it may sound, a good pay package and benefits too are sometimes rendered useless in retaining employees if their personal lives are getting affected by work. So, money is really not everything!  If you think that employees getting a ‘handsome’ package should work all day and night, then you might be in for a surprise because it is not always the case!                                                                  Wondering how to ensure employees are motivated to work (extra)? Maybe just don’t! Don’t make them work extra hours, try trusting your employees with their responsibilities, let them finish work at their own pace, and see how that goes. You won’t always get your desired results and it may cause some financial harm to the organization too, but studies have shown that employees are motivated to work when their employers trust them and they in turn willingly go the extra mile to meet their organizational goals! If you still think pulling an all-nighter once in a while should not be a big deal, then you can offer some compensation in terms of an extra day off or some team activities that your employees enjoy! Colleagues/Peers Almost all the jobs in different sectors require working with people! That’s where the problem starts. Not having good supportive colleagues is still acceptable, but working with someone who deliberately ruins things for you is another story! Workplace harassment and bullying are not the only but surely significant reasons why employees quit despite having good jobs. Many employees quit organizations of their own choice through the extension of their search for a good working environment outside their organizations.  Stereotyping, racism, sexism, ageism, and other kinds of societal marginalization also come under workplace bullying that often starts from words and can turn into something ugly if not immediately taken care of! If you want employees to continue being satisfied with their workplace and colleagues, you can take some preventive measures to mitigate the risk of employees acting irresponsibly and harming others leading them to eventually quit their jobs for their peace of mind and safety.  What can I do, you ask? Organizing training programs and workshops for employees to raise awareness regarding such issues can be a good idea to start with. You can also try putting together diverse teams so that employees learn about each other and see for themselves that despite the obvious differences people are good assets to their teams and the organization. Helping them bring out the best in themselves and others is a way to solve problems that arise due to differences that hold no significance.  Organizational Culture  The overall culture of an organization says a lot about why employees might quit. If employees do not feel appreciated, acknowledged, wanted, and satisfied, they may lose their motivation to continue working. When employees are motivated, they will want to go above and beyond for their organizational goals.  How to improve the culture of your organization? You can start by offering employees multiple opportunities to express themselves and display their talents and skills. This will bring in the factor of appreciation that plays a vital role in motivating employees. There can also be training programs for the employees so they can continuously upskill themselves, and most importantly, the company’s policies can be stated clearly for everyone so they know what to expect and what not to. Many confusions are already cleared up when employees know how the organization works. The last but equally important point would be to create a safe, hate-free space for everyone with equal opportunities to help them excel personally as well as professionally!  When organizational goals align with the individual goals of employees, the workflow automatically becomes natural and less cumbersome for both parties: employers and employees.  Role ambiguity  If your organization lacks structure and clarity on who does what, that might be a major reason why employees quit their jobs. If you, as a recruiter, talent acquisitions, and hiring manager fail to describe the job descriptions of every employee in the organization, you are the one possibly leading them to feel dissatisfied and confused about the boundaries of their jurisdiction at work. Everyone needs to have a clear purpose and a set of goals in front of them to work efficiently and yield results. If employees in your organization are expected to do anything and everything that is needed, this shows that you are setting yourself up for failure as an organization.  How to make ambiguous roles unambiguous? The first order of business, not literally, should be to set what each role will require the employees to do. Set clear, realistic goals that every employee must meet as per the kind of work they must be doing that is restricted to their domain and area of expertise. You cannot expect a chef to wait tables, can you? Similarly, everyone in your organization must have a designated task that he or she is good at doing. Thinking a receptionist should also be able to serve coffee to the guests is pushing the boundaries of their role as a receptionist!  Compensation Compensation may not sound like a big reason why employees might quit, especially when the discussion related to it starts even before the application and hiring process when applicants see organizations' job postings. It is a given that applicants will only apply for a job if they are satisfied with the offered pay range including benefits. Even then, it is important to note that several instances of salary deductions, unreasonable taxes, and delayed to no increments (that may have been mentioned during the interview) might lead some employees to lose the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction they are getting from the job. Which in turn will be one of the reasons why employees quit their jobs. Assuming someone signed a contract with you at a decided pay rate and then sees the inflation shooting up prices of basic commodities and is unable to make do with the salary given to him/her, this reason can also make employees quit an organization through their own choice to look for better-paying opportunities.                                                                  So, What to do? This again becomes your responsibility as an employer to offer need-based increments or ex gratia payments for employees even for a limited period of time to help relieve their burden. Of course, this is not mandatory but only reduces your costs of hiring new people so there is no harm in trying that! All in all, you can take several steps to ensure that your employees are not quitting their jobs due to reasons that could have been easily avoided. Ensuring that you care for them will create a harmonious environment that will eventually benefit you both!

How do I Create a Job Posting Template?

If you are a recruiter or hiring manager you’re thinking ‘How do I create a job posting template to attract the desired candidates’? You have come to the right place! Sure it can be quite boring and repetitive to write multiple job postings for LinkedIn, Indeed, or better yet Keeping it Outside Jobs! Your task can be cut short with only one job posting template you’ll ever need for countless vacancies. This is your ultimate guide to creating a one-fits-all job posting template for LinkedIn, Indeed, or Keeping it Outside Jobs! Job Postings and Job Descriptions Before we jump into the tedious task of making a job posting template, we need to understand the basic difference between a job posting template and a job description, so that whatever we create is the right fit for our needs!  As the name suggests, a job description is one that talks about the roles and responsibilities one has to fulfill for a certain job. It talks about the fulfillment of the job from the employers’ perspective, and what they want to be done! Meanwhile, a job posting is a brief introduction of the job responsibilities but with the employees in focus! It talks about the incentives as a result of doing the work their employers want them to do. It greatly focuses on all types of employee benefits from pay range (there are new pay transparency laws) to annual leaves and from teamwork too parties anything and everything they will get while working in the said organization.  After knowing the basic difference between the two, it is quite obvious that although we need the same information to create both, a job posting template and a job description, the way in which the information is organized and presented is what matters the most! What’s New: Job Posting Templates! Creating a job posting template for any post is more like creating a sales pitch these days!  Since it’s a race against time, not everyone has enough time to read through long job descriptions to see if they are a good fit and decide if they should apply. Also with the advent of labor laws catering to potential and current employees, their rights have given them confidence that they can skim through job ads to find the ones suitable for them. So the focus of job ads is now more on making the job seem increasingly attractive for the applicants and showing them how they will get benefits if they choose to work with the said employer. Hiring and recruitment is now a cyclic process, where employers state their demands and mention the compensation in return. Similarly, applicants see if the benefits and compensations are what they like in return of their time and effort put towards the improvement of the organizations.  Hence recruiters and hiring managers are now investing their time and energies in creating compelling and persuasive job posting templates they can use to hunt talent for multiple vacancies within and outside the organization.  As time is money, you cannot make a new job posting template every time you want to hire for a vacancy, you can start with a basic job posting template for LinkedIn, Indeed, or better yet Keeping it Outside Jobs.  Creating a Job Posting Template  You can create a job posting template in just a few steps without the hassle of buying premium services to get this done for you. Continue reading if you are looking for a job posting template that is to the point, crisp and hits the nail on the head! Interestingly enough, here you can also download a job posting template in Word for free to save your time in creating one from scratch! Since you already know that a job posting template is used to introduce your organization in the best light possible, you must have ready your company’s name, designation/vacancy to be filled, the job description for the said vacancy, salary structure and employee benefits, how to apply, and most importantly the required qualifications for the job.  Dos and Dos of Job Posting Templates  To make the job posting template engaging and interactive, the advertisement must speak to the potential candidates. An attractive package is surely the way forward, but an interesting job posting template in itself is a huge attraction for the viewers. If you fail to grab the readers’ attention through your job posting you can already say goodbye to the exceptional talent!  In order to attract outstanding talent, your job posting template must match their calibre. Now if you are wondering, ‘Enough with the lecture, how exactly do I create a job posting template that is for sure supposed to get the job done?’, continue reading for just a few more minutes! Know your Audience  As you think of a nice-looking, very attractive, crisp and concise job posting template, don’t forget to have a target audience in mind before creating the job posting. You need to identify the talent you are trying to attract for this job. Are you looking for fresh graduates? Think of the benefits that these people would appreciate: for example chances of collaborative work, mentorship programs and frequency of promotions.  If the available vacancy has to be filled by an experienced candidate, think of ways to make the job posting interesting for them, like opportunities to offer their unique experience for the advancement of the company, to begin with.  The Hook! Your heading/title for the vacancy is the star of the show and hence it must be the one to become a hook. Since you are aiming to pitch the job to your desired potential candidates, you need to make the title and the role summary sound as fun as possible. Mention what they are expected to do while talking about what they’ll get in return (opportunities to grow, collaborate, advance, etc.) Tell them what they want to hear! Remember the rule of audience engagement: What’s In It For Me? Always consider what your audience wants to hear!  Role & Responsibilities (but briefly) Secondly, you would want to write briefly about the role and what it demands of the candidates, but it should be very clear and must not sound too demanding or fall outside the scope of the advertised role! Employee Benefits: Centerpiece of the Job Posting Template The third and most important part of the job posting template is the employee benefits:  What are the cool aspects of this job and the company in general? Are there monthly employee recreational activities?  Or maybe a game room, or a cafe with free meals;  What about the number of paid leaves, what is the pay range? (there are new salary transparence laws)  Mention if there are flexible working hours for students or part-time employees. Highlight the positive aspects of the job, like opportunities to work from home.  Let the applicants know that the employees’ physical and mental well-being is a priority. Talk about work-life balance. Everything that makes your company stand out and look unconventional (in a good way of course!) should be a part of your job posting template. This will make the role at your organization sound more attractive where the perks are to die for! Application Procedure: How to Apply Finally, the stage comes where you ask the candidates to apply. Spell it out for them! How exactly do you want to receive their resumes and/or cover letters?  Should they fill out an online form? Attach the link to the job posting! Should they email you the resumes? Mention the email address (better if clickable/copyable)! Do you require a specific subject line? Mention it in quotation marks and bold so it’s hard to miss!  Leave no room for it is so demanding, I’ll do it later; make sure the reader finds no excuse not to apply immediately! Bonus Tips  Adding Location to the Job Posting Template  While talking about the perks, do not forget to talk about the location because the candidates would want to know their travel time in advance if they want to apply there and possibly be invited for an interview.  Make your company’s location easy to find and mention (briefly) if any public transport covers this area.  If the location is somewhat difficult and is not well connected to the rest of the city through public transport, then adding a transportation facility for the employees wouldn’t hurt! Never, at any point, forget that the job posting is supposed to be crisp and concise! Because this is your first impression as an employer, it must hit the spot! Use of Discriminatory Language Never say that a role is only to be filled by a male or a female candidate. The titles of the jobs must be gender-neutral and must not act as a trigger for anyone!  The same should be the case for ethnicities, religions, cultures, languages, sexual orientations, etc.  Talk about the organization’s appreciation for diversity and encouragement of cultural representation. Mention the inclusive work environment that caters to all and isolates none!                                                                     Pictures for the Job Posting Template  Try using relevant infographics, interactive design, soft colors and fonts on the picture you are using. Try to appear flexible, human, approachable and caring as an employer who has the employees’ best interests at heart!   Using your Job Posting Template for Multiple Jobs Once your job posting template is ready, be sure to adapt it for every job vacancy that appears in your organization. Use relevant headings and details after a careful audience analysis to target the right pool of applicants. The End: Let us know if this helped! So this is how you can create your own job posting template for free under 30 minutes which can be reused for multiple job vacancies! If you still think this is not your cup of tea, you can click on this link to download a ready job posting template in Word for free! 

What Job Seekers Want from Employers in 2023

Being a recruiter, talent acquisitions, or hiring manager do you ever wonder what jobseekers expect from you when they approach your job postings? Considering candidates are independent and aware of their rights, they expect complete transparency from their potential employers. As the relationship between an employer and employee is rather sensitive, it’s time that employers learn the psyche of job seekers to understand their thought processes, wants and needs.  It is essential to know that every job seeker asks him or herself this one question quite often: “What do I want from work?” In search of an answer to this, they approach recruiters, talent acquisitions, and hiring manager like you, hoping you would give them some concrete outcomes of their working with you.  There are other surveys and we’ll sprinkle in a few photos of their findings along the way BUT if you ask us, “What are job seekers looking for in 2023”?  Here’s our conclusion: Complete transparency  Flexible timings  Inclusivity  Work-life Balance Hybrid or WFH opportunities  Acceptance and Tolerance Opportunities to learn/mentorship  Opportunities for growth/promotions  Employee Recreational Activities Although it may seem like a lot, it is crucial to facilitate your employees and take care of their well-being or you can forget about getting a good workforce for your organization. In order to create a harmonious environment at work, it is imperative that employees are given enough space and flexibility so they keep the organization’s best interest at heart as they learn that the organization also prioritizes them.  So, if you want to put your best foot forward as an inclusive, and supportive employer, you need to start using some important keywords in your job postings in order to attract the right kind of talent that is most suitable for the given job openings.                                                                                  Complete transparency  Starting with first impressions, the only thing that will help you ensure transparency and openness to the truth is the declaration of the pay range! As per the pay transparency laws, you have to disclose the pay range anyway, but doing it with confidence is what helps you stand out among the other employers. The first thing what job seekers wish employers knew in 2023 is that no matter how attractive your job posting is, it misses the most important thing if you do not mention the pay range. It is not as bad as it may seem, in fact, it is every jobseeker’s right to know what the compensation package will be if they opt to work with your organization. Investing time and effort by both parties in screening tests and interviews will be rendered useless if the compensation is not discussed in advance. To save yourself from the hassle at a later stage when candidates try to negotiate or plainly refuse to continue with the hiring process, it is better to have them know the expected pay range for the advertised role.                                                                                  Flexible timings  Multitasking is the new way forward in 2023. Understanding that jobseekers might be doing multiple things at the same time to keep up with the ever-rising inflation, it is helpful if the work timings can be flexible. Imagine yourself in the same position when some days you cannot report to work on time and would appreciate it if your boss allows you to complete those working hours some other day! Seems plausible, right? This is another thing what job seekers wish employers knew in 2023 and there is absolutely no harm in it either! So, while preparing an attractive and in fact interactive job posting, make sure to mention that flexible timings can be made possible for employees as per their need and want. This will only ensure that jobseekers see you as an employer who is flexible, and supportive of employees’ needs.  Inclusivity  Imagine yourself as a member of a minority in a multinational company. What is the most important thing that you would want for yourself? Did you think of being accepted, included and treated equally? Absolutely! This should be the number one priority of every organization to make sure that its employees are not being discriminated against and stereotyped in the workplace. Know that your employees cannot perform well if they are unhappy or stressed due to such acts of prejudice and this will affect your organization in return. So for mutual benefit, it is imperative to move past the obvious differences of race, color, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation because these things do not really affect the quality of work! Building an inclusive environment and promoting it only for the sake of mutual benefits for both parties should be the top priority of any organization.  Work-life Balance Imagine going to work, completing the task, going home to your family and enjoying your evening with them. This is the dream of every jobseeker to be able to live their life other than just working tirelessly to provide for themselves and their families. Work-life balance is something most employers tend to neglect as the aim is to be the best among the rest! Since being the best is only possible if the employees are well-rested and mentally prepared to handle everyday challenges, employers cannot expect the employees to work day and night without getting burnt out. So you are already one step ahead of your competitors if your organization ensures such a work-life balance. Create your job posting with this in focus and see the top-notch and talented jobseekers applying to take your organization to new heights of success.  Hybrid or WFH opportunities  When it comes to flexibility, being able to work from the comfort of their homes is also what job seekers are looking for in 2023. It is a fact that hybrid jobs have been in more demand than on-site jobs ever since the COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. As we got attuned to working out of our comfort zones, it is what seems more feasible in many ways. Especially with a continuous rise in fuel prices which has led to a sharp increase in the prices of other commodities, jobseekers want employers to understand that working off-site should also be an option as it only saves travel time, fuel costs and added stress if the office is located somewhere far from their homes. Having the employees work with this trust and confidence only increases their excitement for work and maximizes their productivity. As it also helps organizations reduce their expenses on seating and accommodation of so many employees in office spaces, this mutually beneficial solution works like a charm for both the employers and employees.                                                                                     Opportunities to learn/mentorship  With the advent of technology, the skills required to get things done are continuously improving and changing. Hence, employees not only want to work but want to continuously upgrade their knowledge and skills to keep up with this fast-paced world. What could be better than getting the opportunity to learn at the workplace instead of looking for courses and workshops outside work? So next time you are setting up a job posting do not forget to mention that your organization promotes employees’ growth and development.  Opportunities for growth/promotions  A big reason for employee turnover is the lack of growth and promotion opportunities in the workplace. If employees feel dissatisfied with their role in the organization and see no chance of moving forward and upward, it becomes a discouraging factor for them and, naturally, they begin losing interest in their jobs leading them to apply for other better opportunities. This is one of the most important things that job seekers are looking for in 2023. Employee Recreational Activities This may sound like an expensive idea, but giving employees a chance to enjoy and unwind after hours of work will only boost their energy levels and surely get their creative juices flowing. This will also help the organization in return as their hard work will take you one step closer to your organizational goals. Such activities may not even be very expensive when it comes to collaboration and working with different businesses in the industry. This will also give opportunities for active and passive learning to the employees and will help in team building as well. So try and mention it in your job posting next time as this is also one of the things applicants look for in a job! Hitting just the right spot will get you the most talented and diverse pool of applicants that you can invite for the interviews.  Now this may sound like a very exhaustive list of things to ensure job seekers interact with you after seeing your job postings. But if you ask us, we’ll tell you the 5 most important things in a job that make it a dream job for anyone! If we have to narrow the list down, according to the priority from the most to least likely to be demanded, the 5 most important things in a job that job seekers wish employers knew will be: Complete transparency  Flexible timings  Hybrid or WFH opportunities  Acceptance and Tolerance Opportunities for growth/promotions  So if you have ever thought “What do employees want from their leaders?” You know what they want! You also know that a good leader is one who cares about their followers and this is exactly what jobseekers are looking for in 2023. In this age of equality, equity and tolerance, caring for employees works wonders for an organization. The importance of employee satisfaction in this age is undeniable because to grow into better and more successful organizations, happy employees are the key!

New Salary Disclosure Laws: What is the Salary Range?

Have you ever been asked during an interview: "What is the salary range you are offering for a particular post"? How do you handle such a question? Do you think asking such a thing from an employer lowers the candidates’ chances of being hired? Well, it is not the case anymore, thanks to the salary transparency laws in the US! Now, do you have any salary disclosure law being followed at your organization? If you are wondering why are salary transparency laws by state so important then you have come to the right place! Seeing the importance of such laws, it is crucial for everyone, employers and potential employees, to be aware of their responsibilities and rights. Pay Transparency Laws in 2023 We will break down for you these rather complex pay transparency laws in 2023. As organizations are moving forward towards hiring the best of the talent out there, it has become imperative to help them see the organizations as good fits for them too! You cannot have a top-notch graduate working for you at a salary that is lower than the market rate. The new pay transparency federal and state laws are encouraging candidates and recruiters to discuss these things at some point during and even before the hiring process begins.  Sure it was taboo to discuss such things with potential and current employees in the past, but now the rights of employees also encircle the knowledge of the expected salary range for a post. Recently introduced pay transparency federal and state law will allow the candidates certain liberties of not being compelled to share their salary history with the recruiters while applying for new jobs. It will also prevent the violation of labor laws that happens due to inequity and discrimination against candidates on the basis of their salary history. Moreover, this pay transparency federal and state law will allow the promotion of a harmonious relationship between applicants and recruiters by having the recruiters state their salary ranges for the advertised posts. New Salary Disclosure Laws in Job Postings It’s a quite useful idea to implement New Salary Disclosure Laws in your organizations to satisfy the suitable candidates during the hiring process so they choose you too as you choose them! Many recruiters and HR managers are now encouraging the implementation of new salary disclosure laws even while creating job postings to attract only the relevant talent that is confident in applying for the job at the given pay range.  Implementing Salary Disclosure Policy in the HR One of the most important reasons why implementing a salary disclosure policy for the recruiters in your company is that exceptional talent cannot be hired and retained if they do not know the expected salary for the vacancy before signing the contract. Such a salary disclosure law will create an air of confidence for the potential candidates and they would be more comfortable in stating their demands and seeing what you have to offer before signing a binding offer! For you to be a recruiter who is a pro at hunting talent suitable for the organization, awareness of salary transparency laws by state is very important. You must learn what according to the states the new salary disclosure laws require! New salary transparency laws by the state and cities are rather different but cater to one goal which is the standardization of pay ranges in all the state and privately owned institutes in the USA. These pay transparency laws in 2023 also ensure that employers are evaluating candidates as per their talent and capabilities instead of their previous salaries.New York Salary Disclosure Laws New York was among the first few states in the United States when it came to implementing laws catering to candidates applying for jobs. The state law is yet to be implemented in NYC while several city laws had been implemented earlier in the year 2022 covering similar grounds as the state law. As of September 2023, the New York salary disclosure laws by the state require companies to disclose the pay range for a specific vacancy at a particular point during the hiring process as well as in job postings. By law, candidates are also free to inquire about the minimum to maximum pay range for a post they are interviewing for. These salary transparency laws also encourage them to find out about the chances of promotion for the said post and the ranges of compensation with respect to promotions. Pay transparency laws by the state of New York exclude all remote positions and in order to be applicable, this law requires the jobs (for hiring of new employees or promotion/transfer of existing ones) to be carried out physically. It is noticeable that all the job postings (internal and/or external done via any channel) require the salary disclosure policy to be followed. Most importantly, employers cannot inquire about the previous salary of the candidates under any circumstances until or unless they themselves mention it to the employers. Pay transparency law: California As per the pay transparency law by the state of California, employers must disclose the pay range of the post advertised for all kinds of vacancies being filled within the state of California. These pay transparency laws in 2023 cater to on-site as well as remote work opportunities alike! Pay transparency law: Colorado Colorado has been following a pay transparency law since 2021 and it requires employers to advertise the open vacancies and promotions along with their pay package for the current employees. Pay transparency law: Connecticut As per the pay transparency law by the state of Connecticut implemented in 2021, employers must disclose the pay range of advertised vacancies to the applicants and the current employees upon request. Pay transparency law: Maryland The salary disclosure law in the state of Connecticut was implemented in 2020 and it urges employers to disclose the pay range of the vacancies advertised upon request by the candidates. Pay transparency law: Nevada As per the pay transparency laws of the state of Nevada, employers must disclose the pay range of the advertised vacancies for hiring, promotion or transfers. This salary discourse law was implemented in the year 2021. Pay transparency law: Rhode Island With effect from January 2023, the salary disclosure law in Rhode Island requires employers to disclose the pay range of an advertised position to the candidates and current employees upon request. Pay transparency law: Washington The salary disclosure law in Washington came into effect in January 2023 and requires employers to include the pay range for the open vacancy in the job posting. The pay range has to be disclosed to the current as well as potential employees upon request. The pay transparency law further demands that employers must not conceal the pay range in case of a transfer being carried out internally. Pay transparency law: Pennsylvania According to the pay transparency law by the state of Pennsylvania, employers must disclose the pay range of the advertised post in any medium. The new salary disclosure laws in Pennsylvania also require employers to not inquire about the current or previous salary of the candidates at other organizations until they choose to disclose it themselves. Similar pay transparency laws are being followed in other cities of the state. Pay transparency laws: Massachusetts As per the pay transparency law by the state of Massachusetts, employers cannot inquire about the previous salary from the candidates until or unless they make an offer (with a pay package) to the candidate. This law is being followed across the state. Pay transparency law: Georgia As per the pay transparency law by the state of Georgia, employers cannot choose to disqualify a candidate solely on the basis of their salary history. This law has been implemented in the city of Atlanta. Pay transparency laws: Illinois As per the pay transparency law by the state of Illinois, employers are legally bound to not inquire about the salary history but must be open to discussing the expected compensation package with the candidates. This law is implemented across the state including Chicago. Violation of salary disclosure laws by the state in 2023 Considering these laws have to be implemented, there are also penalties to be paid in case a city or state organization fails to follow them completely or repeats them without remedy. Although remedial measures are acceptable if made in due time, ill intentions towards a candidate or an employee without any remorse and repeated offense will lead to punishment of varying degrees! Depending on the jurisdiction, employers that violate the pay transparency laws can be subject to fines ranging from $500 to $10,000 per violation. Such penalty risks can increase depending on the number of violations and employees/potential employees involved. Employers in some states may be subject to civil liability and are opening themselves up to civil lawsuits. Some states even allow for additional civil penalties of up to 10 percent of the amount of damages found in a civil lawsuit. Ultimately, failure to comply with pay transparency can be costly, so it is important to pay attention to the applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Other than these states and cities, there are many states that still lack the planning and implementation of salary disclosure and pay transparency laws by the states and with the progress up until now, it is only a matter of time before all the states in the USA will have labor-friendly laws working towards the betterment of working class.

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